
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Faith is sometimes a scary thing. OH who am I kidding?! It's always scary! But let me explain "scary" just so we're straight, ;-)

Scary = un-nerving, unknown, with trepidation, calming, exciting, over whelming...

I made that definition up. But it's how I see faith as 'scary'. I have faith in the unknown, which can be very overwhelming, and such.

Like this blog for instance. I have a huge, HUGE, complex I guess you could say. I never think my words are right, or that they serve a purpose. I love to write, but I'm not sure you'd 'love' to read! So yes, I have my self out there on this here site...but I always wonder if what I'm saying is what I should be, or how it should be, etc. Yup, questioning myself. I hear everyone does it, am I right?

But I have an overwhelming desire to write. To put words to, screen. I just fear that I lack direction. I love visiting blogs and you know they have a bigger picture for their blog. They know their strengths and weaknesses. They know just how God wants to move them to reach others. I want that. Oh, not their blogs, or even their subject matter, but I want to know where God leads me to write.

Not just whatever tumbles from my fingertips. It seems that I use this blog as my it's jumbled, tumbled and pretty scattered. Not what He would have me show, is my guess.'s to finding Him in this. Finding Him in my writing.

Do you ever feel doubt about something you know you love to do? Fear of what people will say?


  1. Consider keeping your own journal if you don't already, hand written. I find that doing that for me, keeps me from using my blog as a journal, although they are still about some of the things I am learning.

  2. Consider keeping your own journal if you don't already, hand written. I find that doing that for me, keeps me from using my blog as a journal, although they are still about some of the things I am learning.

  3. I do keep a journal :D Thank you for the reminder though!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry about that, was logged into hubby's acct somehow grrr

    I SAID....

    Thinking that the writer *must* post every day, regularly, weekly etc puts pressure on a lot of folks and that ruins their ability to hear Him. When I got rid of that, then it got really easy to know when and what He wanted me to share.
    Relax, enjoy and listen. He'll tell ya :)

  6. Remember when sharing for Him, it's not about you or your blog, it's about the audience and He knows who is listening/reading and on what days what they need to hear etc.

  7. Kath, I agree. I haven't pressured myself this time, in my blogging. I'm kinda just making sure I write everyday, whether its through journaling by hand or on my computer, or through blogging. I look at is as exercising my writing muscles, and it's nice to write again, free flow. So this has been a good experiment so far. I'm noticing that I'm able to write whats on my heart. I don't know what different THIS time, except I've been praying for Him lead me, and help me. And He has.


    And yes, He's pointed that out to me, that I need to remain in Him, so that what I write is truth, and love. So that those who need to hear it, will hear it.


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